Once in Mangawhai, it is an active place, with a safe and slow pace. A shared use path will connect the different areas of Mangawhai, from the school to the beach over time, invigorating town centres along the way.
Phase One of the shared path includes constructing the first section of the shared path on Molesworth Drive, from the ITM down to about 80m past Estuary Drive, as well as the two roundabouts and adjacent path upgrades at the Insley Street/Moir Street intersection and Molesworth Drive/Moir Street intersection. Phase One is now complete.
Phase Two includes the shared path sections on either side of the causeway, and a boardwalk over the causeway. Construction for the second phase of the Mangawhai shared path started in October 2022, and includes a collaboratively designed boardwalk running alongside the causeway. The boardwalk was opened to the public from 22 August 2023. Phase Two is now complete.
Phase Three of the Mangawhai shared path is a 1.5km section between the village and Mangawhai Central, and a 900m section between ITM and Wood Street. Phase Three was completed in November 2024.
Other information:
- Phase 3 (Stage 1) technical detail drawings (PDF 4.75 MB)
- Read about the Phase 2 Shared Path l Mangawhai boardwalk design (full Resilio document)
- Mangawhai Community Park development
- Mangawhai Shared Path wider route (JPG 2.15MB)
- Shared Path network - some common questions (December 2021)
The first two phases of the Mangawhai shared path are supported by funding from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (majority grant) and the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund – Infrastructure Reference Group (IRG) administered by Kānoa – Regional Development & Investment Unit.
Phase Two of the Mangawhai shared path. Photo credit: Elevated Media